Sep 1, 2024

Kelleks tahad saada?

Õpetaja küsib, kelleks soovid saada.

Variant üks - Reaalkool.

Juku: "Õpiks iitee hästi ära ja saaks krüptoärikaks. Mul oleks raha nagu raba. Selle eest võtaks endale kõige ägedama bitši, ostaks talle korteri Pariisi ja maja Kariibidele ja jahi ja ferraari ja briljante ja kulda, ja paneks teda päevast päeva nii et maa on must."

Õpetaja on šokis, aga ei taha tundi rikkuda, teeb nagu poleks kuulnud. 

"Mari, kelleks...?"
"Juku bitšiks muidugi."

Variant kaks - Vanalinna Hariduskolleegium. 

Malle: "arstiks."
Õpetaja: "jaa, noobel ja vajalik valik."
Kalle: "juristiks."
Õpetaja: "jaa, ühiskonnale tähtis ja endale kasulik."
Mari: "prostituudiks."
Õpetaja minestab.

Ärkab, küsib üle - Mari, kelleks sa saada tahad?
"Prostituudiks, ma ju ütlesin."
"Olgu Jumal tänatud! Ma enne kuulsin, et protestandiks!"

Originaal - reddit: What do you want to be when you grow up

A teacher asks the kids in her 3rd grade class: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Little Johnny says: "I wanna start out as a Fighter Pilot, then be a billionaire, go to the
most expensive clubs, find me the finest whore, give her a Ferrari worth over a million bucks, an apartment in Copacabana, a mansion in Paris, a jet to travel throughout Europe, an Infinite Visa Card, and all the while banging her like a loose screen door in
a hurricane."

The teacher, shocked and not knowing what to do with this horrible response from little Johnny, decides not to acknowledge what he said and simply tries to continue with the lesson. "And how about you, Sarah?"

"I wanna be Johnny’s whore."

Mother Superior is visiting the local parish all girl's school. The kids are all lined up to greet her.

She goes up little Cindy. "So, Cindy, what do you want to be when you grow up?".

Cindy: "I want to be a doctor!"

MS: "That's a very noble profession, you'll do well."

She goes to little Nancy and asks the same question.

Nancy: "I want to be a lawyer, Mother Superior."

MS: "that's also a very noble profession. You'll do well."

She then goes to little Susie, asking her the same question.

Susie: "Mother Superior, I want to be a prostitute."

Shocked, Mother Superior faints. When she comes to, she says "Susie! What did you say you wanted to be when you grow up?"

Susie: "I said I want to be a prostitute."

"Oh, thank God!" Mother Superior says, visibly relieved, "I thought you said you want to be a Protestant! "