Nov 27, 2024

Magnetstarter (ja jupp ajalugu)


Raketibaasis ülevaatus tulemas, kindral inspekteerib. Kihku-kähku tehakse kõik tip-top, aga siis paar tundi enne saabumist tuleb välja, et üks rakett üle värvimata. Pintseldada pole enam aega, üks tüüp võtab värviämbri ja keerab raket tipu peale kummuli, noh et ise nõrgub värv alla. Aga, unustabki selle sinna otsa.
Tuleb kindral, vaatab, näitab ämbrile: "Hmmm.... mis SEE siis on?"
Kohalik jupijumal vastu:"See... eee... on magnetstarter!"
Kindral: "Seda ma näen isegi, et magnetstarter, ärge mind lolliks pidage!!! Aga misjaoks värvimata?!"

Aga selgub, et nali on see vaid poolenisti.
Rakettidel ongi magnetomeetrid.


You can tap a hammer on your screwdriver, a lot of time tho, it will eventually demagnetize it. The concept is that it is magnetized because the atom electron field are aligned, by hamering long enought it will displace the magnetic line randomly thus giving a zero total magnetic field.

Crazy reports were received of Jewish working parties being forced to climb on to V1 bombs prior to launch and using hammers on the hull of the missile. Initially these were dismissed, but after the war it was confirmed that they were degaussing to allow the magnetometer to function so it flew on the correct course!